Sean Cody wrote:
Life isn't fair.
That's not a complaint, just an observation. Some guys can go to the gym for two hours a day and never be ripped. Others never pick up a weight but still have a perfect body.
Andrew is definitely in the latter category.
"I don't really work out," he said with a smile.
But like most 21 year olds, he does maintain a very active lifestyle. He's an avid fisherman, he loves soccer and surfing, and he eats a healthy diet. You'd think that he is in the gym everyday, once you seem him naked.
He is defined and muscled, perfectly proportioned, with rippled abs, a great ass, and a big dick. Since he wasn't used to "structured" workouts, we decided to have him do some push ups... naked of course! He must have been turned on by it all — his dick was getting hard as he pushed up and down!
"I can't go all the way down because my dick is touching the floor," he laughed.
"That's okay," I said. "Just don't break it, I'm not done with you yet."
He was very attentive to his cock. It constantly leaked precum. He'd milk his cock while he stroked and played with his balls. And his load was huge!