We all have our goals. I have had a goal for a while now and I've tried very hard to achieve it. I went back to school and I promised myself that I will have that Bachelor's Degree up on my wall someday. I worked full time in the morning and went to school in the evenings. It was tough. There were times when I would sleep early in the evening when I don't have classes and wake up at 3:00 a.m. to study. I would go to work and take my exams that same evening.
It's been a while now and when I started to not feel well (probably because of over exhaustion), I took a semester off. That one semester lead to two semesters. Now, I have been off for a year. I am almost at the brink of losing my momentum.
One phone call changed all that. A buddy of mine started taking his Masters three years ago. I must tell you that I was already back in school years before that but I could only handle a class or two every semester. My buddy called me to tell me that he just took his last class and that "he's done"!
That statement lit a fire under me. I am not going to give up. I am going back to school. It's not that I need it anymore because I do have a very good job and work for a multi-national company. I own my home and life is quite well. But that missing diploma on my wall still bothers me to this day.
I am going to enroll in the spring. I am 40 credits shy of getting that diploma and I am not going to give up. It is never too late.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
In the meantime, here's Ivan Scannell